We are happy to announce the details of the abstract review process for the upcoming International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA). We are introducing a 2-stage review process to provide timely feedback and ensure a rigorous selection process.
Key Details:
For abstracts submitted by November 2024: Notifications will be sent out last week of January 2025.
For abstracts submitted by February 1st 2025: Notifications will follow in March 2025.
This timeline ensures ample time for our reviewers to carefully evaluate the high-quality research, practices, and ideas submitted by the diverse community of contributors.
If you haven’t submitted your abstract, we strongly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and submit your abstract by February 1st, 2025 Abstracts | ISAPA 2025. Your work could help advance the global conversation on adapted physical activity and spotlight critical areas, including Visual Impairment and Deafblindness, Mental Health, and Intellectual Disability.